Cheers to 25 years! A quarter of a century! Time has been flying by lately. I can't believe that I am in my MID-20's already. I sometimes feel like I am 16 still!

In honor of my birthday, I decided to write a blog post giving 10 random facts about me! Most of my blog posts are session highlights, so I thought this would be a fun way to mix it up a bit. 😊

1) I adore my cats! I only have 2 cats, but if I could have 6, I would 😻 My cats are my world! Punkin cuddles with me at all times, and Winston is just the sweetest boy!! I also love doggos, but we haven't had one yet, so I have yet to become a crazy dog parent!

My handsome Winston Boy

My sweet Punkin Girl

2) I have an iced coffee addiction. I loveee iced coffee/iced lattes. Way to much. I get it every day. Even when I don't want it. I just get it. IT'S DANGEROUS. It's almost as if I am addicted to the habit of drinking iced coffee rather than the drink itself. My day is incomplete if I don't have any. My favorites are from Starbucks & Dunkin!

Coffee addiction started back in 2009 when my parents spoiled me with Starbucks

3) I am a book lover! I LOVE curling up with a good book but struggle to find the time lately. I need to work on prioritizing my time to read more. I definitely could stay off my phone before bed more often & read instead!

One of many great authors!!

4) I love breweries but hate beer. It's hard to admit that I hate beer, being that I am from Wisconsin, but it's the unfortunate truth. Lol! Luckily, most breweries have hard cider, so that works for me!! If I had to choose a beer to drink, I'd drink Miller Lite though! My husband and I have been enjoying exploring all of the breweries in the Raleigh area since we have moved here!

Surprise surprise, that's cider in my glass

5) I LOVE football, specifically the Green Bay Packers!! I grew up with my dad living in Green Bay & I lived there the past 3 years before moving to North Carolina. There is nothing like Packer game day in Green Bay! I sure miss that environment!! Every Sunday I can be found behind a TV or out at a bar watching the Packers gameπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ‰ My husband is a Vikings fan ... don't ask πŸ˜’

6) I have a love/hate relationship with running. I ran track & cross country in high school and loved running back then! I have tried to continue running since high school, but I often time quit for a few months. I somehow always end up getting back into it though, because I love the post-run feeling so dang much! I trained for and ran a 10k two summers ago, and would love to do it again. I am struggling to get used to running in the North Carolina heat right now though. My goal is to eventually run a half marathon someday!

7) Aside from photography, I am also a Chiropractic Assistant! I have worked as a Chiropractic Assistant/Xray Tech for 3 years & have loved it! 

My office from Green Bay that I miss dearly!

8) Mac n Cheese is my favorite food. Hands down. & not even only the fancy kind - I love Kraft Mac n Cheese & eat it regularly. Even when I ate meat, I would still prefer Mac n Cheese over a juicy steak. 🀣 

Mac N Cheese burgers are my favorite!

9) Fall is my favorite season! I love Pumpkin Spice everything, pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving & Halloween, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, bonfires, the cool/crisp air (does NC even have that?!😭), fall football, sweater weather, and the beautiful changing leaves. I am already so excited for fall & am over summer!

10) I'm a Spartan! I have my bachelor's degree from Michigan State University. I can't believe how fast my college years flew by. I graduated in 2018, & now my baby brother will be a Sophomore this fall at Michigan State with our youngest brother hopefully following in his footsteps next year!