First off, congratulations on nearing the end of your time spent in college! You did it! You earned your degree!! All of those late nights studying, stressing over grades, internships, and presentations, and feeling like the school-work would never end are finally proving to be worth it. Pretty soon you will be walking across the stage, getting ready to move onto the next chapter of your life. This is a time in your life you don't want to forget. While the future ahead of you is exciting, you also want to slow down and make sure to soak up the present time that you are in. A great way to showcase all of your achievements is to take college graduation photos. However, preserving memories from this important time in your life isn't the only reason why you should take college graduation photos. Outlined below are 10 reasons why every college graduate should take graduation photos.

1-They are a gift to yourself

Let's face it, you deserve this! You worked hard to earn your degree and it should be celebrated! What better way than to reward yourself through professional photos that showcase your achievements.

2-You can have your photos personalized specifically for you so that you always remember all of your favorite campus locations

Do you want pictures in the library? Let's do it. Do you want to remember your favorite late-night snack spot? Let's take some photos there. This is your chance to be creative and take some fun photos throughout campus where you spent your college years!


I mean.. top-notch photos to show off on your Instagram? Why not?!

4-Perfect excuse for a friends photoshoot

Have you always wanted professional photos with your college friends? This is the time. You will likely all be going your separate ways soon, so let's take advantage of that time together and create some fun memories. Let's pop the champagne and throw your caps in the air to celebrate!

5-They will be perfect Facebook photos for family to see

Facebook is such a great place to show off your accomplishments for grandparents and family members. It's especially important in times like this, when family may not be traveling like they once were, and might not be able to attend your graduation ceremony. Posting your graduation photos on Facebook is a great way for your family to feel like they are there with you on your big day.

6-Your photos will be a great gift for family members

Speaking of family members, when was the last time you gave professional photos to your grandparents and relatives? Senior pictures in high school? Or maybe even middle school? That was years ago!! College graduation photos are a great way to update those old, and possibly embarrassing, photos that are still up for everyone to see.

7-Your parents will be thankful

Your parents have done so much for you over the years-why not give them a gift of beautiful updated photos of their favorite person?馃槈

8-It's the perfect excuse to be creative

This is your chance to be creative and take some fun photos! We can take photos in your favorite places, doing your favorite things, with your favorite people (or pets).

9-Your photos can double as a headshot

Now that you are a college graduate, it's important to have a headshot. Need to update your LinkedIn profile picture? Need a photo for your resume? Want to have a more professional Facebook profile picture? (Let's face it, future employers will likely creep on your Facebook before hiring you!) During your graduation photos, we will make sure to take some without your cap & gown that you can use as headshot photos.

10-Graduating is a big achievement, you should celebrate!

You worked so hard to get to this point in your life, let's showcase it!!

Duke Graduation Photos
Duke Cap and Gown
Duke Cap & Gown
Duke University Graduation
Cap and Gown Photos
College Graduation Photos
UNC Graduation Photos
North Carolina Graduation Photos
NC State College Graduation Photos
Raleigh College Graduation Photos
Chapel Hill College Graduation Photos
Durham College Graduation Photos
Raleigh Graduation Photos