I photographed Hannah's Cap & Gown session in mid-November at NC State University. Hannah graduated with the Class of 2021 in December with her Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences. She is hoping to eventually become a park ranger and live in the Pacific North West region. Before starting her career though, she plans on taking a few months to herself to search for the right job. I did the same thing when I graduated from Michigan State. I figured if I was going to be working the rest of my life, I deserved one last summer to enjoy some time off!

When Hannah's session started, a NCSU employee offered to let us check out the inside of the Memorial Bell Tower. This is the second time I have been able to do this with a graduate. Hannah hasn't been inside it before, so it was pretty cool to see! 

Hannah's mom and sisters came along to the session to be in a few shots. Her younger sister is hoping to attend NC State in the future, so we got a few fun shots of them together by the wolves on campus. 

She also brought her doggo who had his very own graduation cap to wear! Her dogs name is Duke, which I found funny since Hannah attends NC State, not Duke University. They have had the dog since before Hannah went to school though and told me his name has nothing to do with the school. He looked so handsome in his cap!

As we were walking through campus, we found a field full of American flags that were set out for Veterans Day which was the day before our session. We got some shots of Hannah in front of the flags, which was special because her dad served our great country and is currently working over in Germany.  I am so thankful for his service.

Shared below are some of my favorite shots from Hannah's cap & gown session at NC State University. Congrats Hannah (& Duke) and go Pack! 🐺