Skylar and Colby are both Class of 2022 Grads from NCSU and I had the honor of photographing their cap and gown photos on campus! They even included Colby's sweet pup, Blue, for a handful of photos!! They make the cutest couple and Bleu did SO good!! (Even if the smell of dried up champagne on the Court of Carolina stairs was very intriguing)

I started with just Skylar and we were able to get a TON of great photos in front of the Memorial Belltower! We met at 8:30am on a Thursday and had the place to ourselves which was great! In the afternoon, the Belltower can be a popular spot full of photographers, so morning sessions are always great! We had gorgeous lighting all morning too which was wonderful - as there were crazy thunderstorms in the afternoon during the time that I normally shoot. 

Skylar is graduating with a Bachelors of Science in Biology and has a research position lined up in Raleigh. She begins a few weeks after graduation - which is so nice for being able to have a few weeks to enjoy before kicking off her career. I took a full summer off before looking for work when I had graduated from Michigan State University in 2018. I think taking time to yourself is a great idea if they are able to! Everyone works their lives away and often pushes the fun of life to the backburner. I am a firm believer in prioritizing your happiness and life over only work work work. That's just me though! There is no right way to do anything and if someone does well prioritizing their career, I am all for that too!

Colby has a few strong leads for jobs after graduation as well, which is great! I am sure they will both do great things with their future!!

Shared below are some of my favorite shots from Skylar and Colby's Graduation Session at NC State University!!