In early December, I had the pleasure of photographing a grad session for Tyler, a soon-to-be graduate of NC State University with a degree in Aerospace Engineering. Tyler has big plans for his future, as he intends to go to flight school to become a pilot. We decided to take his graduation photos on NC State's campus, with the iconic belltower as our first stop. The belltower made for a beautiful and iconic background for Tyler's grad photos.

Next, we headed to NC State's Centennial Campus to take some photos by a plane that is tucked away near the Oval. As an aspiring pilot, it was perfect to capture photos of Tyler by the plane! I loved the idea. The plane added a unique and personal touch to his grad photos, and I think they turned out awesome!!

Overall, it was a wonderful afternoon spent celebrating Tyler's accomplishments and capturing his exciting future ahead. Congratulations, Tyler, on your graduation and best of luck in your future endeavors!

Shared below are some of my favorite photos taken of Tyler at NC State's Campus during his graduation photo session!